
Mr. Blake Young: Summer Internship Experience at World Renowned Medical Center

Blake Young is currently a sophomore enrolled at the University of Minnesota-Rochester.He is majoring in Health Science and Premedical – with intent to find work in the Emergency Care Field. Young has been a member of [YU?] for 3 years. Blake Young is originally from Chicago, IL and graduated from Urban Prep Academies, America’s first charter high school for boys that have a 100% college acceptance rate.

Blake Young spent the summer semester of 2017 enduring his first internship at the Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery in Rochester, MN. Young worked within the Healthcare Systems Engineering Department and conducted research with Dr. Renaldo Blocker, his [YU?] mentor. Blake engaged in research related to human factors and ergonomics/engineering. His main research project for the summer was related to understanding the impacts of interruptions on patient care and physicians’ cognitive workload.

During the summer internship Young learned about experimental design as well as being able to properly communicate within research team. Although Young was confronted with multiple challenges throughout the internship process, he says overall he did enjoy his experience. He plans to use what he learned to help him further better his education and prepare him for the business world.

Young spend most of his time studying and volunteering in extracurricular activities. He believes that “Although I’m in a challenging part of life, I feel it is up to me to make the process as smooth as possible for me.”

Written by Charylnn Robertson

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